Troubleshooting an iZettle card reader

If you're experiencing issues taking payments with your iZettle card reader then check this quick guide for how to troubleshoot your terminal

  1. Make sure the card reader is charged and turned on. If the card reader battery is low, it may cause connectivity issues or prevent the card reader from functioning properly.
  2. Check that Bluetooth is on in the iPad settings. The Zettle card reader connects over Bluetooth and so if Bluetooth is off it cannot connect at all.
  3. Restart the Baemingo app and try again. Sometimes, a simple restart of the app can resolve connectivity issues between the app and the card reader.
  4. Check if the card reader is connected to the correct device. Ensure that the card reader is connected in the Baemingo app, not the iZettle app. To verify the 3 number ID, press the power button once on the iZettle card reader.
  5. Follow this guide on how to reinstall your iZettle card reader in the Baemingo app
    install zettle terminal


If the issue persists, please reach out to us and we can help provide further guidance and troubleshooting.