Step 1.
Logga in to
Enter your username and password.
Step 2:
Go to PIM and select Item in the left menu.
Step 3:
Click the "Create Item" button in the upper right corner
Step 4:
4.1 Name the product in "Title".
4.2 Enter the price in "Default Price",
Don't forget to enter 2 zeros after the price.
If an item costs SEK 15, enter 15.00
4.3 Enter the correct percentage of product in VAT%.
12% for food and 25% on alcohol
4.4 Enter Course type if desired on the product.
FR = Appetizer
MR=Middle course
VR=Main course
4.5 Select the desired category for the product
Step 5:
Go to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button
Step 6:
Go to "PIM - Menus"
Click on "Main Menu/Main Layout".
In the "Items included in this menu" view, click in and click on the products you want to add to the checkout.
Go to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button.